TIA Issues Statement on the INVEST Act

The House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee led by Chairman Peter DeFazio (D-4th/OR) released the INVEST Act on Friday, which is the surface transportation re-authorization bill. There are several provisions included in the legislation that TIA staff are keeping a close eye on that could potentially impact our members.

TIA has scored a major victory by having language included in the base text that requires the Department of Transportation to issue guidance to clarify the definition and roles of brokers and bona fide agents.

This has been a major issue for TIA members over the past few years as more and more dispatch services have entered the marketplace and have continued to illegally broker freight on behalf of multiple motor carriers. TIA firmly believes that a dispatch service can only be a bona fide agent for one motor carrier only and will work with the Agency to make sure this is the direction that is taken. TIA thanks Chairman DeFazio for including this important provision.

TIA received several major victories with the inclusion of key priorities and the omittance of any sort of rate transparency language that would be devastating to our industry. This proved to be another major win for the Association.

Here are key issues we are monitoring:

TIA is grateful for having a seat at the table. TIA will continue to work with the Committee in a bipartisan manner to hopefully include H.R. 3042 in the Bill later in the process. TIA is very pleased with securing these major victories in the released bill text.