July 13, 2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Did You Know that TIAPAC is launching its first-ever live-streamed event, with the TIA PAC-A-THON taking place tomorrow from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM ET? Throughout the complimentary live webcast event, the TIAPAC Board of Directors will discuss topics ranging from rate transparency, the effects of double brokering, personal stories, and experiences from seasoned industry professionals as well as the value TIA membership brings to their businesses. The event will also include various opportunities to hear directly from our TIA Members. Register now for this complimentary event!
Member News
Did you know that TIA Staff handles all the logistics of Congressional meetings for those attending the 2021 TIA 3PL Policy Forum? We take care of scheduling Hill Meetings, producing and providing materials as well as meeting prep. This is your opportunity to engage directly with YOUR Members of Congress on key issues impacting freight brokers and the 3PL industry, including the Motor Carrier Safety Selection Standard, INVEST Act, and PRO Act. Learn more or register now! It is time to reserve your booth for the TIA 2022 Capital Ideas Conference & Exhibition taking place April 6-9, 2022, at the San Diego Marriott Marquis Marina. This is your opportunity to exclusively connect with the TIA community. Questions? Contact meetings@tianet.org.
Industry News and Advocacy
Do you conduct business in the state of California? Have you thought about entering this new market? If you have any business in the state, regardless of where your business is domiciled, you need to be up to speed on the newest burdensome regulation coming from the state of California; specifically from the California Air Resources Board or CARB. Join TIA and special guest Rebecca Schenker who will speak about the emerging regulatory efforts in California. Some as backward as mandating brokers and others to report information about shipments and motor carrier compliance. Members, you would be considered a fleet owner in the state of California. This is an absolute disaster for 3PLs as it completely blurs the lines between the relationship of two separate entities (a broker and carrier) who enter a contract to complete a project. By becoming a “fleet owner” you would have an undue responsibility for the actions of that carrier. This is from the California website: You have to report if in 2019 your entity operated a facility in California and meets any of the following criteria: Any broker or entity that dispatched 50 or more vehicles over 8,500 lbs. GVWR into or throughout California, in the 2019 calendar year… Members, join us this week on Thursday, July 15 at 12:00 PM EST. Use this link to join us. Now is the perfect time to visit your TIA profile to ensure we have the right information about your company. Your member profile is connected to TIA's Membership Directory & Resource Guide and our Online Directory and Buyers' Guide. An up-to-date member profile helps others find your company more easily. Education
If you have any questions, please contact the TIA Education Team at education@tianet.org.
Member Resources
We have just updated the Member Resource Library, with a new section devoted exclusively to whitepapers TIA has produced over the years. These resources are designed to help our members gain a better understanding of issues, trends, and developments in the industry as they navigate an increasingly crowded 3PL marketplace. The Member Resource Library also includes a collection of guidelines and frameworks, contracts, legal cases, and other resources to provide TIA Members with a knowledge bank for 3PL success.