The Friday Report

Battalion Chiefs Academy | Oct. 27-Nov.1 | College Station

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The 4.5-day Battalion Chiefs Academy empowers aspiring and new Battalion Chiefs with strategic leadership skills. Focusing on guiding principles rather than tactical aspects, our comprehensive training equips participants to excel in their roles. Join us for a transformative learning experience, honing critical decision-making abilities and paving the way for success as fire service leaders.

2024 Fall Academy – College Station – Registration Now Open!

Event Details
Sun., Oct. 27 | 4:00 – 6:00 pm | Registration and Check-In Open
Mon., Oct. 28 | 7:00 – 8:00 am | Registration and Check-In Open
Mon., Oct. 28 – Thurs., Oct. 31 | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm | Required Academy Classes
Fri., Nov. 1 | 8:00 am – 12:00 pm | Required Academy Classes and Graduation

Breakfast will be served Monday - Friday. Lunch will be served Monday - Thursday. Dinner is on your own each night.

Texas A&M Hotel and Conference Center
177 Joe Routt Blvd.
College Station, TX 77840

Registration Information
Registration Fee - $1,250



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