2024 TFCA Interim Legislative Session Questionnaire

TFCA is interested in learning about your legislative interests and concerns. Please take a moment to give us your thoughts on what the legislative committee can begin to develop as a list of topics. You can submit as many topics or issues as you would like, but please submit a new form for each topic so we can adequately capture and track the information.

The approach to the interim session is as follows:

  1. Update our relationships with elected officials and re-establish a formal scope of work.
  2. Educate members on local impact and advocacy.
  3. Gather the membership's interests and concerns in order to develop a TFCA prioritization list and focus for the session in 2025. The committee's recommendation for TFCA's 2025 89th legislative prioritization list will be presented to the TFCA executive board and membership for approval sometime between August and September 2024.

Click Here for the Questionnaire