Firefighter Cancer Awareness Month

Each January, we honor Firefighter Cancer Awareness Month. It’s a time to recognize the impact of occupational cancer in the fire service, including supporting firefighters diagnosed with cancer and advancing efforts to prevent firefighter cancer.

During this month, we ask you to share the NFR as one thing firefighters can do to help understand and prevent cancer in the fire service. It only takes 5 minutes to get started.

Our digital toolkit for Firefighter Cancer Awareness Month provides materials to help you share the NFR, including:

We’ve also created videos you can download to share on social media, emphasizing how quickly firefighters can get started with their NFR registration. These videos are attached in a zip file.

We can also send you professionally printed materials (e.g., posters, fact sheets, palm cards) if you are interested. Just let us know how many and where to send them.

Thousands of firefighters from all 50 U.S. states have joined the NFR – and we still need more to join to reach our goal of 200,000+ U.S. firefighters enrolled.

We appreciate your continued support and the work you’ve done to help firefighters join. By sharing the NFR with your communities, you can make a lasting impact on the fire service.