Industry News
Never can a stroke, cancer or a heart attack be anything but bad news. But hallelujah! Survive for five years and your life expectancy statistically is probably (wish "probably" was not necessary) the same as the general population of Americans.
Everyone has a bucket list of the things he wants to do before he kicks the bucket. Do you have one for your business?
Today's employers have an increasingly regulated and overly litigious landscape to navigate in managing their workplace. The continued growth of federal, state, and even local regulatory protections for employees, coupled with an overabundance of lawyers has made virtually every workplace decision a potential lawsuit.
Indefinite leave. Can you terminate?
Competition — for some contractors, it’s a pain in the neck. You’ve got the low-cost providers who swoop in and seem to steal every project because they undercut all the other estimates.
Attic Tent
Presenting Viega PureFlow® System
This PureFlow PEX is more than meets the eye. It’s been specially designed for commercial and residential builders. It’s a higher density PEX with the highest possible chlorine/UV resistance rating. Viega PureFlow System installs in a fraction of time compared to alternatives. It’s the amazingly reliable. The incredibly efficient. A modern feat of German engineering. It’s the one, the only Viega PureFlow System. Viega. Connected in quality.
Learn more.
Bradford White Corporation
Federated Insurance
6HR Plumbing Continuing Education topics include: TSBPE Law & Rules, OSHA Confined Spaces & Your Toolkit, Gas Piping, and New Products. Please secure your spot in advance! As always, 20% off course pricing for all PHCC-TX member companies! To register by phone please call us at 512-523-8094 or 800-992-7422. To register online please visit www.phcc-tx.org.
Legislative Updates
The Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners (TSBPE) understands the serious situation that many of you are in with the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. As soon as we have access, we will have our Field Representatives in the areas checking licenses, making public contact, and doing what we can to make sure that citizens in need of plumbing services are not being taken advantage of by unscrupulous contractors.
As Texans respond to the ongoing disaster caused by Hurricane Harvey, TDLR is reaching out to help those in the affected areas. During this difficult time, they are streamlining procedures to help our licensees and small businesses recover as quickly as possible.
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Upcoming Events
Amarillo, TX--October 6, 2017 (Friday)
Amarillo, TX--October 4-5, 2017 (Wednesday & Thursday)
Amarillo, TX--October 7-8, 2017 (Saturday & Sunday)
Houston, TX--November 17-19, 2017 (Friday-Sunday)
Dallas, TX--October 21-22, 2017
Austin/Buda, TX--November 9-12, 2017 (Thursday-Sunday)
To run a successful plumbing and HVACR business, you need insights in a variety of business management areas, such as finance, project management and marketing--to name just a few. That's where PHCC membership helps. We give you instant access to all the best practices, resources and business tools you need to keep profits high, turnover low and customers satisfied.
As a member of the PHCC community, you can turn to a wide network of experienced colleagues for insights into best practices, tools and resources, as well as benefit form protection from over-regulation. What's more, you can also save thousands of dollars by taking advantage of discounts on products and services.