Compost Communicator

Cedar Grove Named Manufacturer of Year in Seattle

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Cedar Grove was recognized by Seattle Business magazine as a Company of the Year in the Large Manufacturer category.

“The honorees are companies with outstanding products and innovative processes,” said Leslie Helm, editor of Seattle Business magazine. “They boost their competitiveness through improved manufacturing and effective marketing - and they remind us of the strength and promise of Washington’s manufacturing sector.”

Cedar Grove creates a high-quality organic compost, highly sought after by government agencies, landscape architects, landscapers and homeowners. Cedar Grove products have earned industry-best certifications (OMRI, USDA Organic, etc.) for quality, safety and performance. The company has successfully proven the quality of its product to large national retailers, including Home Depot and Lowe’s, in a highly competitive business environment including large publicly traded companies. Because of those efforts, Puget Sound area residents can close the loop on their organics recycling program and see the fruits of their efforts right in their own gardens and landscapes.

Cedar Grove compost has been proven by Washington State University research to be an effective filter for stormwater runoff, providing protection to local waterways, salmon and Orca whales.

This award is the result of our ownership and dedicated employees' commitment to recycling this region’s yard and food scraps into nutrient-rich compost that can be used to filter stormwater runoff, beautify landscapes, grow food and more, as well as providing green manufacturing jobs in Everett and Maple Valley, all with a rich, 80-year history of partnering with this region. We appreciate this moment and look forward to what’s to come.

To learn more about how Cedar Grove is partnering with WSU and other non-profits to develop stormwater solutions for this region, please click here.  


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