Compost Communicator

Chapter Focus: Nebraska

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Our newest chapter has taken off running!

Nebraska Recycling Council celebrated International Compost Awareness Week with three activities:

  • A webinar was held on May 8th to introduce the Nebraska Chapter and featured USCC staff members Linda Norris-Waldt and Cary Oshins, who shared information about USCC Chapters and the state of the composting industry in the U.S.
  • NRC staff distributed 25 ICAW posters at the Nebraska Legislature on May 9th. The Legislature was in session, but we were lucky to catch three senators in their offices and take photos of them holding the poster.
  • Nebraska chapter members used the following ICAW banner and statement in our email signature during the week: "Have you ever looked at a banana peel and thought, 'Is that it?' Does life go on? Could this humble peel serve a greater purpose?"
Sen. Joni Albrecht   Sen. Tom Briese

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