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Professional Certification: Learning Opportunities Abound!

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One of the hallmarks of a great certification program is the requirement for continuing education - but why?  Because being certified not only means you showed gained mastery over a job, but that you are maintaining that mastery through ongoing education.

As a small organization with a relatively new certification program, we know we can’t provide enough educational opportunities ourselves, so we are always on the lookout for other events. Since CCOMs (Certified Compost Operations Managers) and CCPs (Certified Compost Professionals) are required to earn 30 Professional Development Hours (PDHs) every three years in order to renew their certification, we maintain a list of PDH-earning opportunities. Even if you are not certified, you can check out our list of upcoming conferences, meetings and other events here.

Learn more about our Professional Certification Program by clicking here. If you have any questions, contact Cary Oshins, director of professional certification, at or by calling (301) 897-2715 ext. 4.


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