Compost Communicator

USCC Staff Out in the Field

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Green Sports Alliance Summit

USCC Executive Director Frank Franciosi chats with Scott Jenkins, chair of the Green Sports Alliance and GM, Mercedes-Benz Stadium.


Eco-Products’ Wayne Koeckeritz stopped by USCC’s booth at the Green Sports Summit to talk about being a new awarded professional Certified Compost Professional!


Midwest Kickoffs and Training in Nebraska and Iowa

USCC Education Director Cary Oshins spent time in June in both Nebraska and Iowa educating and training compost operators and partaking in compost facility tours. The Nebraska event was part of the kickoff of our new Nebraska chapter and USCC member, the Nebraska Recycling Council. The Council organized the event, and Oshins was a key speaker to the group. The Iowa Compost Operator Training, attended by 34 Iowans, was organized and funded by the Iowa Waste Reduction Center, a USCC member, and included tours and a one-day Composting Council Research and Education Foundation training.

Education Director Cary Oshins teaching about compost pile conditions in Iowa.


Cary Oshins teaching a compost operators short course in Iowa in June.


Julie Diegel, NRC Executive Director, at the Nebraska Chapter kickoff where USCC Associate Director Cary Oshins was a speaker.

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