Compost Communicator

Staff News

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Introducing New Communications Staff

The USCC is pleased to welcome Eric Hudiburg to the USCC staff. Eric will be working as our Communications & Marketing Manager. This position is responsible for planning, developing, implementing and overseeing the strategic communications and marketing strategy of USCC. This includes communication and branding of the organization’s brand; increasing, retaining and engaging the organizations membership; and strategically planning, overseeing and executing the organization’s marketing strategy for all its programs, events, products and member services. He will be the staff liaison for the Membership & Market Development Committee.

USCC is Hiring – Part-Time Administrative Assistant

This Raleigh, NC-based position is part time with flexible hours. The Administrative Assistant is a key staff member dedicated to supporting the operations of the organization, with special attention paid to recordkeeping, logistics and clerical support as directed by the Executive Director and USCC Staff. Typical workweek of 15-30 hours; may increase or decrease depending on seasonal needs.


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