Compost Communicator

TOC Roadmap Update

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The mission of the Target Organics Committee (TOC) within the USCC is to "support municipalities in developing, executing, and growing programs to collect and process food scraps and other organics.” In 2019, the TOC sought input from municipal solid waste stakeholders to better understand their needs and challenges related to launching and managing organics programs. Survey results indicated that a high-level roadmap, laying out key considerations and questions, would be the most helpful. A group of TOC members – representing composters, municipalities, compostable packaging companies, waste service providers, and USCC staff – are meeting regularly to create this deliverable. Still in its early stages, this group is laying out a high-level framework for this resource. Directionally, the roadmap will address the Idea Stage (basic questions and answers about municipal organics programs), the Issues Stage (key matters that need to be explored before proceeding) and the Implementation Stage (what to consider as projects become a reality). The group will be seeking case studies to serve as examples and inspiration to readers. If you have experience managing or supporting municipalities with their composting programs and are interested in reviewing a draft of the roadmap once available, please reach out to Hilary Nichols at


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