Compost Communicator


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The Market Development Committee (MDC) is a highly-productive committee of the USCC, co-chaired by Bob Engel, President of Engel & Gray Inc, and Chuck Duprey, President of Naturcycle LLC. The Market Development Committee (MDC) has been kept busy serving several roles for the Seal of Testing Assurance (STA) Certified Compost program. With the Board’s formation of the STA Advisory Committee (STAAC), some of the weight has been shifted off the MDC committee’s shoulders. Now the MDC will be able to focus on marketing STA Certified Compost and marketing general compost use.

This year the USCC also added a new position- Eric Hudiburg is our new Communications & Marketing Manager. Eric is skilled in photography, videography, and graphic design. Eric holds a bachelor’s degree from Stetson University and has experience as a multimedia designer at Green Mountain College.

As a part of increasing the number of staff and growing the number of committees who work with our programs, it makes sense to shift staff responsibilities to help us align the Strategic Plan goals with the committee work plans and assure that we have committees properly staffed and funded for success. With her 20 years of experience with end-users, Hilary Nichols will be focusing on the management of the STA program and will be supporting Eric with program messaging. With his experience with graphics, Eric will be focusing on the marketing for the MDC and all the USCC’s programs. Hilary and Eric will work closely together in approaching specifiers.

Through focusing the MDC’s tasks, and increasing the number and skills of staff at the USCC, the Seal of Testing Assurance (STA) Program will expand more quickly to be the Gold Standard for compost. We are excited at what new things this year will hold for the program.


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