Compost Communicator


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Matt Mozingo is the Operations Manager for WeCare Denali, LLC at the NuTerra Organics Compost Facility in Fellsmere, FL. Mr. Mozingo started as the Operations Manager of the large scale in-vessel aerated static pile (ASP) biosolids composting facility in 2018, shortly after the facility began operations.

As more areas within Florida continue to shift away from Class B land application of biosolids, WeCare Denali is in prime position to manufacture a beneficial reuse product for growers around the state.

Mr. Mozingo notes, “I pursued the CCOM certification in order to support our company with licensed personnel who take pride in the quality service WeCare Denali is able to provide to their municipal and commercial clients, while also being the best neighbor we can be in the communities where we operate.”


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