Compost Communicator

CCLC Welcomes New Members!

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Three new members have joined in the past quarter to underwrite and participate in projects tackling contamination, packaging and infrastructure gaps in the compost industry. We welcome Chick-Fil-A, Mars, and Clif Bar to the Corporate Compost Leadership Council (CCLA).

Chick-Fil-A: CSR program leader Dawn Rhodes has attended several USCC conferences to prepare their company to expand composting across the U.S. She participated in providing data for last year's Corporate White Paper.

Mars, Inc.’s Eric Klingenberg, Materials Science Lead, has been researching recyclability and compostability to meet the company’s sustainable packaging goals; he has most recently been involved in recyclability of the company’s pet care product packaging.

Clif Bar: Carolina Leonhardt and Elysa Hammond have also been USCC conference visitors as part of their research to increase compostability of Clif Bars’ product packaging. They said they are excited to dive in and learn from composters and provide feedback about their challenges.

The CCLC meets each quarter to discuss issues; in November, the group heard from Jeff West of Olympic Organics about “The Bin Decision” (consumer choices and education about compostables) and the impact of contamination on compost manufacturers. Wendell Simonson of BPI also spoke about the new BPI guidelines.

The CCLC’s next event will be a Workplace Composting panel at COMPOST2021 on January 26, featuring speakers from The Kansas City Chiefs, Club Coffee (a CCLC member) and Sutter Health, a health system in California that has deployed composting in its hospitals.  

For more info about CCLC visit


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