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Impact Bioenergy Delivers in a Major Way

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We delivered prefabricated, modular anaerobic digestion systems to UC Davis (1,000 tons/yr) and UC San Diego (25 tons/yr) in the fall of 2020 to capture the embodied energy and nutrients from organic wastes for these universities. Our technology is unique in its sizing for campuses, resorts, and communities. Just one of our larger digesters has a CO2e Drawdown Rate of 900 tonnes/year. At this rate, each system actively reverses the carbon footprint of 200 cars. It further enables local regenerative carbon-negative food production. Our Alegría Farmacy indoor farming partnership can be deployed anywhere on any scale at any time.

These are meaningful and impactful ways to improve the quality of human life AND reverse the damage humans have done to the planet. The Rodale Institute recently reported "If regenerative agriculture were adopted globally the Drawdown Rate is greater than the current global Carbon Emissions” (55 drawdown vs. 37.5 current emissions: Gt/yr CO2e). 

Rarely does an opportunity come along that can touch on energy, water, air, soil, food, jobs, and education simultaneously. This one does. Impact Bioenergy has a seed round capital campaign in progress to execute a scale up and meet the demands of the 2021 pipeline of partnerships and projects. 


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