Compost Communicator

Certified Compost Operations Manager™ Spotlight: Christopher Templeton

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Christopher Templeton is the Compost Facility Manager for Re-Soil Compost, a Class III commercial composting facility owned by Green Energy Biofuel, just outside Columbia, SC. 

Chris' passion for composting always tied in well with his dream of going off grid and living almost 100% sustainably off Mother Earth. Not just that, but he also wants to help dedicate himself to bettering the industry. Whether it be through his own experiences or alongside the best researchers out there about the processes, equipment or methods of composting, he wants to be a part of it: "We are all on the cusp of history in composting and the magic that happens microscopically. There is so much that we already know but imagine how much untapped potential is still waiting to be discovered...priceless!"

Chris achieved STA Certification for Re-Soil's Compost and is active on the USCC forums, where he is a Member Ambassador. He strives to make the best product he can using regionally and locally sourced feedstocks. He has some big plans in the works and is super excited to be able to share with everyone.

"Why I chose to pursue the Certified Compost Operations Manager Certification: Well, that's easy. To further my knowledge and advance my skill set building from the ground up along with a tiny bit of industry recognition. The things everyone at the USCC and the foundation does is nothing short of amazing. I will never forget that amazing week I had at COTC Raleigh. I have been so blessed to have collaborated on so many different projects in the last two or three years that it all is starting to blur together. But each has been a fun, wild, journey and I cannot wait for the next to begin. Right now is the time for composting, advancing the industry, and helping make this beautiful world we live on a more sustainable and green place to live!"


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