Compost Communicator

STA Agreement Changes Identified and Incorporated

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The Seal of Testing Assurance (STA) Program agreement exists to protect the STA Certified Compost® brand. The more end users value the brand, the more compost you each will sell. The STA Program is foundational to the success of the USCC’s mission as it provides not only a consistent, science based, compost analytical standard, but also undergirds both the credibility and accountability of its participants, which in turn delivers confidence to end users in compost manufactures and their products. The STA Advisory Committee (STAAC) was formed a year ago to focus on tightening up the STA Program requirements and day-to-day maintenance. Committee members include two compost manufacturers, two industry consultants, a lab professional, STA Program Manager, and USCC Executive Director, each with decades of experience in their field. Here are the improvements we have identified and incorporated into this year’s contract: updated definition of compost, permission for committees to review anonymized test results, fraud penalties, prorations for new applications, and a fast-track fee option for new product applications. Thank you for understanding that tighter contract rules are needed to protect the STA brand and, ultimately, sell more compost.

Here are the improvements we have identified and incorporated into this year’s contract:

  • Updated Definition of Compost - An important part of certifying a compost product is identifying what is and is not compost. For this, the STAAC of the US Composting Council works closely with the Association of American Plant Food Control Officials (AAPFCO). AAPFCO is an organization of fertilizer control officials from each state in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico who are actively engaged in the administration of fertilizer laws and regulations, as well as research workers who are engaged in investigations concerning fertilizers and/or their component parts. It is designed to promote collaboration, standardize legislation, and share best practices when it comes to fertilizer and compost. Ron Alexander has been representing the interests of the US Composting Council at AAPFCO meetings for years. Recently, AAPFCO updated the definition of compost, and now the STA program has incorporated this definition into our program rules. The statement “Finished compost is typically screened to reduce its particle size, to improve soil incorporation.” has been added to the AAPFCO definition. We’ve also added definitions for related and allowable products: Vermicompost, Digested Solids, Composted Mulch, Erosion Control Compost, and Soil Remediation / Stormwater Management Compost. Now it is easier to maintain the STA Program for compost products only.
  • Reviewing Test Results - One thing the industry has needed is the ability to review a large body of test results in order to make industry decisions. Note: The test results shared will be anonymized, without any facility/product name attached. With this ability, many different decisions can be made intelligently. The Test Methods for the Evaluation of Compost and Composting (TMECC) are what labs use to test all STA participants’ compost samples. With the ability for the Standards and Practices Committee (S&P) of CREF to review the test results the STA program pulls in, S&P can identify issues and keep the lab test methods up to date. The S&P can also identify nation-wide trends in the data, and use this to support the industry. The ability to review test results is also advantageous when the STAAC is evaluating the STA Program’s requirements and definitions for blended products and products of different sieve sizes. With this change allows the review of the raw aggregated STA test data by committees, the compost industry’s interests can move forward more efficiently. All location data will be kept confidential. This also gives the Review Committee permission to look at individual test results to evaluate new application appeals and ascertain compliance with STA Program rules.
  • Fraud Penalties - The STA Certified Compost ®brand that supports all of us, is only as good as the enforcement of the STA rules. This year, we added explicit penalties for fraud. After 60 days of notifications of a product not in the STA program illegally using the STA logo, STA name, or CTDS, the USCC will be forced to charge legal fees. In addition, after 60 days reaching out to the company defrauding the STA program, the USCC will notify State Attorneys General, State Regulatory Agencies, Consumer Protection Organizations, and other interested parties of the company defrauding the STA program. That product would not be allowed to re-join the STA Program for 24 months after rectifying the violation. Falsifying test results on Compost Technical Data Sheets (CTDS), regardless of whether the product is in the STA Program, also now incurs similar enforcement actions.
  • Prorations for New Applications - New applicants now have a published proration schedule. The 1-6 months after renewals, new applicants do not get a price break since they will still receive the majority of the benefits of the program. 3-6 months before renewals, new applicants will pay 60% of the STA fee - this will encourage more applicants. 1-3 months before renewals, new applicants will pay 160% of the STA fee, and renewal will be included that year - this will reduce new applicants joining for a brief time just for one bid.
  • Fast-Track Fee for New Applications - We know the STA program is key for getting bids. Now we have added a fast-track fee to support prioritizing new applications who need rapid attention. Within five days the STA Program Manager will notify the new applicant of any deficiencies in their application. Note: Test results are required for new applications and the speed of labs processing test results is between the lab and the applicant, not included in this fast-track fee.

Thank you for understanding that tighter contract rules are needed to protect the STA brand, and ultimately sell more compost. If you have any questions, contact STA Program Manager and Market Development Coordinator Hilary Nichols at


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