High Attendance at Chapter Structure Training
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Demonstrating the current interest in USCC chapters, more than 30 people representing 70% of USCC’s chapters attended a training on fundamentals for successful chapters.
The training was taught by Jairo Gonzalez, president of USCC's New Jersey Chapter and a business development consultant. With the NJCC founding team, NJCC formed a 501(c)6 lobbying organization and has also formed a 501(c)3 Foundation to tap into grants.
The attendees learned about boards and board development, bylaws, IRS requirements and other best practices for chapters to be strong and sustainable. Gonzalez also discussed fundraising, budgets and fiscal sustainability.
Chapter leaders were able to bank a future credit for taking the virtual class by taking a test and completing a certificate to go towards Chapter Leadership Certification, which USCC will be rolling out in 2023. Seven individuals applied for the certification PDH!