Compost Communicator

Target Organics: "New Name" and New Materials!

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The Target Organics Hub was originally conceived to assist municipalities in adding food scrap composting to their suite of organics recycling and zero waste strategies.
With the launch of the site last year and requests for more and varied material, the Target Organics Committee (see who's on it here) is broadening its view and considering adding new resources and "target" audiences to the Hub. To accommodate that, the committee spent the first quarter of 2022, at the request of the USCC Board of Directors, focusing on whether the simple name "Target Organic Hub" really told the story of what is available, both now and in future additions.
The new name: Target Organics: A Compost Programs Resource Hub!
This name will be a more effective umbrella for assembling resources and expertise for programs beyond the city or county – the group is considering institutions, haulers and other target audiences.
New Materials!!
Find some much-requested materials on the Partner Resources Section (
Procurement Section: We have assembled a host of Requests for Proposals from cities, counties and colleges around the country for everything from the waste audit to a complete turnkey running of a compost facility. Collection is also included!
Case Studies: Find our first three municipal case studies, on the City of Minneapolis, MN, the Town of Kingston, NY, and the City of Napa, CA, on the partner resource page. Thank you to our partners in those communities for providing this information.
Don’t Miss our Webinar next Wednesday!
The Target Organics Committee is hosting the webinar next week, Communities that Compost: the BioCycle Access Survey. We're exploring three different models that were studied in the BioCycle project, and moderator Nora Goldstein of BioCycle will give us insight on the study's findings, as well as facilitating presentations from the City of St Louis Park, MN (Kala Fisher); Zero Waste Sonoma (CA) (Xinci Tan) and Black Earth Compost Subscription Programs in Massachusetts (Conor Miller). Register here


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