Compost Communicator

Legislative Meetings Continue via Zoom

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USCC members have also brought us success with Zoom legislative meetings held with key senators and congresspersons.
We met in May and June with staff from Missouri, Rep. Mike Alford and Rep. Luetkemeyer, through the efforts of member Steve Callis. USCC attended a Zoom meeting arranged by Tennessee member (and newly elected TNCC president) Wayne Koeckeritz with Rep. Tim Burchett (TN). Brian Pugh and Peter Nierengarten of the City of Fayette, AR, set up a meeting with staff of Sen. John Boozman at which the senator himself appeared on the Zoom screen for the meeting. Lastly, Isaac Bearg set up a meeting with staff of Sen. Frank Pallone of New Jersey.
All of these meetings were to press for cosponsors of the COMPOST Act and the Recycling and Composting Accountability Act (RCAA) and for the RCAA, the specific ask was for Rep. Boozman to be the Republican cosponsor — which he did a few weeks later! We also spoke to all about our PFAS requests (see article above).


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