Compost Communicator

US Composting Council Announces 2024 Board of Directors Election Results

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The US Composting Council (USCC) announces the outcomes of its annual Board of Directors election for the 2024 term. In the upcoming year, the Board will welcome two new members while retaining three familiar faces.
Newcomers Michael Martinez and Cary Oshins will join the Board of Directors as representatives of the Compost Manufacturing and Industry Affiliate categories' sectors respectively. They bring fresh and experienced perspectives to the table. Mr. Oshins, newly retired from the USCC staff after over 20 years will now serve as a consultant. Mr. Martinez was the USCC's keynote speaker for COMPOST2023 and demonstrated his commitment to that role by delivering his address only 48 hours after breaking his leg and having surgery.
In addition to these fresh faces, the Board will continue to benefit from the experience and dedication of returning members. Pierce Louis, Samantha Winkle, and Meredith Danberg-Ficarelli have been re-elected, ensuring their continuity and valuable insights within the Board.
These new and returning members will serve alongside the existing Executive Committee and other board members, forming a cohesive team to guide the USCC in its mission. Together with other members of the Board, they will steer the future of composting in the United States.
The new Board members, alongside the re-elected and continuing members, will be formally introduced during the Members Meeting at COMPOST2024, scheduled for 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 6 in the exhibit hall. This event will provide an opportunity for the community to meet the leaders shaping the future of composting.


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