Compost Communicator

Look for the New ICAW Poster

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The ICAW 2024 Poster Contest ended on Nov. 1. CREF received entries from hundreds of talented artists from every part of the globe—76 countries in total.  Not only is it great fun to see all the creative ways people came up with how to illustrate the theme (COMPOST…Nature’s Climate Champion!), but it is exciting to know that this message is being shared all over.  Since the goal of ICAW is to build public awareness on the benefits of compost use and organics recycling, the contest is a great way to get the word out.  Look for the winner to be announced by early December.

ICAW is also looking for more volunteer coordinators in each state to help with ICAW activities.  If you are interested in learning more about being an ICAW volunteer, you can learn more HERE or contact Beth Simone,


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