Compost Communicator

Free Anonymous Benchmarking Study

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What's the Composting Industry's—and Your Own—DEIA Maturity?

The best, future-minded organizations are evaluating their processes and cultures to ensure that all voices are heard, all employees get equal access, and that they are attractive to a wide diversity of talent in today's world.

USCC is providing a free study in March to evaluate not only how the industry as a whole is doing, but giving your organization a chance to anonymously find out how you are doing in comparison with others in the compost industry.

  • Are your hiring practices keeping up with your competitors and colleagues?
  • Do all employees who want a chance at moving up get the opportunity for training?
  • Do your customers and stakeholders feel welcome when they interact with people in your organization?

By participating in our study, you will help USCC to understand the demographics and practices of our industry as a whole. No answers, surveys, or participants will be identified in our results.

Plus, after the study closes, you will receive a free report—unique only to your organization and answers—that tells you how your results stood against others and giving you guidance to take next steps.

Watch for our emails about who from your organization should participate.

This study is brought to you by the USCC's Board of Directors, the DEIA Committee, the North Carolina Composting Council, the Illinois Food Scrap Coalition, and Better Earth, who contributed to make the study possible.


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