Compost Communicator

COMPOST2024 Sets Records

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The US Composting Council (USCC) concluded COMPOST2024, its 32nd annual conference, with a remarkable turnout, boasting record attendance. Welcoming 1,530 attendees, the conference commenced with the USCC's annual members meeting, setting the stage for an engaging and informative event. Attendees were treated to seven workshops and two tours, offering invaluable insights into the world of composting. Over the course of two days, speakers delivered presentations across 31 sessions, covering a diverse range of topics and featuring both prominent and emerging voices in the field.

The sold-out Exhibit Hall emerged as a hub of activity, drawing in a crowd eager to explore the latest products and services. Meanwhile, the annual awards ceremony honored 13 deserving recipients with prestigious USCC awards, highlighting the industry's unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation.

Demo Day at the Tamoka Landfill also broke records with more than 800 in attendance, featuring 37 pieces of equipment demonstrating the latest advancements in composting technology. The success of this year's conference stands as a testament to the growing significance and impact of composting in our world. The US Composting Council thanks volunteers, attendees, speakers, moderators, sponsors, and exhibitors who collectively made COMPOST2024 a reality.


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