Compost Communicator

April YP of the Month - Charlie O’Connell

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  Charlie O'Connell
  Charlie O'Connell

We are thrilled to highlight Charlie O’Connell as April’s Young Professional of the Month! Charlie is the founder and owner of Compost Bowling Green (CBG), a YP Scholarship recipient and a member of the USCC YP Outreach Committee.

Compost Bowling Green is a compost hauling company based in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Established in March of 2022 as an offshoot of a farm business, CBG is focused on raising pigs, cattle, and goats. With plans to open a commercial compost facility in 2024, Charlie is dedicated to expanding sustainable practices in the community.

Before diving into entrepreneurship, Charlie earned a degree in Civil Engineering and gained experience working on a soil monitoring network at Western Kentucky University. With a deep passion for soil health, physics, and agricultural sustainability, Charlie is making a meaningful impact in the field of composting.

Congratulations to Charlie O’Connell for his outstanding contributions to the composting industry and his dedication to the YP Group!


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