Compost Communicator

New Webinar on Composting Human Remains Will be April 18

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  CREF Human Remains Webinar

In January, CREF’s first webinar in a two-part series on composting human remains became one of our best-attended webinars to date. With such evident interest from the composting community and the actively unfolding nature of this topic, CREF has expanded this into a three-part series with guidance from our collaborators Jean Bonhotal and Bob Rynk.

The second part of the series, titled "The Current State of Affairs," is scheduled for Thursday, April 18 from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. ET. While the first part of the series focused on the unique composting process, this session will move into the business and legal aspects of the topic. On the legislative side, we’ll hear from Representative Pam Marsh, who was key in the legalization of composting human remains in her home state of Oregon. On the business side, the webinar will feature industry leaders in this budding field. From Return Home in Washington, Micah Truman and Chris Stone will discuss how composting human remains has been integrated with other death care services to provide a compassionate space for celebrating the lives of those who have passed on. From Recompose, also in Washington, Laura Sullivan Cassidy will cover the many reasons that loved ones and their families seek out composting as a means of final disposition.

Part three, planned for a date TBD in May, will examine the big questions yet to be answered about composting human remains; from religious and cultural implications to the best options for composting vessels, we look forward to exploring this topic from yet another perspective.

You can learn more about the upcoming webinar or register HERE.


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