Compost Communicator

Colorado Chapter Celebrates Policy Victory

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  Colorado Composting Council
  Colorado Composting Council

The USCC’s Colorado affiliate chapter, the Colorado Composting Council, celebrated the enactment of the Compostable Product Labeling Act, which includes compostable packaging as a way to crack down on green washing in Colorado and improve labeling education for Colorado citizens. Chapter members are pictured here at the Statehouse with Sen. Lisa Cutter, who sponsored the successful legislation. For a peek at the reporting form for suspected greenwashed products, click here. The law requires the following:

  • Meeting ASTM D6400 or ASTMD6868 standards
  • The product being immediately distinguishable as certified compostable upon quick question. The product must display the following:
    • A certification logo that indicates certified compostable
    • The word "compostable" where possible
    • Green symbols, colors, tinting, marks, or design patterns
    • Must not display a chasing arrow resin identification code or recycling symbol

See more information at the link below.
Colorado’s new waste-labeling law deputizes YOU as a compost cop


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