COMPOST2019 Backpacks Find a Home—Across the World!

  Nigerien women with the bags.

When Amy and Todd Williams (USCC member, Jacobs Consulting) saw the extra Komptech Americas bags in the USCC COMPOST2019 office as the conference wound down, Amy immediately thought about the work that she and her healthcare colleagues do on mission trips to Niger, Africa, especially since she was heading that way in a few weeks.

Amy is the medical mission director for Effective Ministries, Inc. Her most recent medical team partnered with a Nigerien organization that operates a Fistula Center, where women with obstetric fistulas (a condition resulting from prolonged obstructed labor) reside as they wait for surgery.

On one day of this mission, they set up a “spa day” for the women residing at the center.

“It is one of my favorite days of the mission, as the women we are serving are all living in this one location waiting for their opportunity to have their fistula surgery repair at the local government hospital,” she said. “Some of these ladies have been waiting years for their surgery. Spa day is a chance that we have to just love on them and 'pamper' their feet. They love it!”

The bags were outfitted with supplies like new flip flops and other needs for the spa foot washing. Amy said many of them had taken the bag as a safe place to have their personal possessions.

Stacy Hanna, marketing coordinator for USCC member Komptech Americas, was delighted that these women were able to make good use of the conference bags.

“Thank you for the awesome work you do helping those ladies,” she told Amy.