NJCC Advocates to Add Compost to Green Infrastructure Bills

  Jairo Gonzalez speaking with legislators.

New Jersey is considering legislation to prioritize green stormwater infrastructure in design, construction, and repair of public highways. New Jersey Composting Council President Jairo Gonzalez recently testified about amendments the NJCC is proposing to the bills to add compost to the definition of “green strormwater infrastructure methods.” 

Specifically, the sentence in bold is being proposed:

"'Green stormwater infrastructure methods' shall mean management practices that reduce stormwater runoff by allowing stormwater to be treated by vegetation or soils or to be stored and reused, and shall include but not be limited to pervious pavement, bio-retention basins and grass swales. To the extent practicable as determined by the Commissioner of Transportation, green stormwater infrastructure methods shall employ sustainable materials, including compost."