USCC Spokesperson Can Be YOUR Spokesperson!


The US Composting Council and our national spokesperson, Joe Lamp’l of Growing a Greener World, have been hard at work on a number of new tools for our STA Certified Compost participants. Besides the nearly half dozen and counting compost use videos, we also highlight your brand-specific customized STA Certified Compost videos on our USCC YouTube channel.

What better way to get new customers than having a trusted national TV host talk about your products? Only STA Certified Compost program participants have the option to purchase one of these short videos promoting their specific brand. These unique videos provide information about specific compost products and locations, often paired with info on compost use. There are dozens of examples on our USCC YouTube channel from compost manufacturers around the country.

Think of the benefits of having a national celebrity promote and explain your product, presented in an approachable way by a home garden expert. These brief videos can be the landing page of your website, part of a holiday weekend special on your Instagram account or a shareable post on your Facebook page for the content you need. Short videos catch attention in this fast-moving age. The US Composting Council is here to help our STA participants with smart content, targeted messages and quality options to promote compost uses around the nation.

If you are an STA Certified Compost manufacturer and interested in purchasing one of these customized videos, reach out to Market Development Coordinator Hilary Nichols today. The US Composting Council supports our membership with relevant, timely tools to build your business or compost program!