Michigan Recycling Market Development Grant Proposals Due June 6

Through the 2019 Recycling Market Development Grant Program, the DEQ will provide grants to for-profit and non-profit businesses and organizations, cities, villages, townships, charter townships, counties, tribal governments, municipal solid waste authorities, resource recovery authorities, schools, health departments, colleges/universities, regional planning agencies, and any other business or organization located in Michigan to fund recycling market development projects.

Potential market development projects include but are not limited to: materials testing and specification development; research and development of new products using recycled content; processing equipment or infrastructure needs; market analyses; marketing of products; usage guidance; use trials/pilots; and other activities that will result in increased use of recycled materials. Collection, hauling and primary sorting of residential materials are not eligible for this grant opportunity.

The Recycling Market Development Grant has up to $2,000,000 available for grants in fiscal year 2019. There are no requirements regarding the minimum amount of funding that can be requested, however preference will be given to larger-scale projects. The maximum amount of funding that can be requested is $500,000. Grantees are required to provide matching funds at least equal to 25% of the total grant budget. Match funding is encouraged to be greater than 25% of the total grant budget, with higher matching funds and funds leveraged from outside sources increasing likelihood that the project will be selected. Grantees may be offered partial funding. Grants will be paid according to a grant agreement that will contain the agreed upon timeline and deliverables according to defined milestones.

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