Cedar Grove Seeds for Scholars Scholarships


For the seventh straight year, Cedar Grove will offer four college scholarships, in the amount of $2,500 each, to graduating seniors from the following high schools (one scholarship per school):

Each scholarship will be awarded to a student who has demonstrated interest, action and achievement in issues surrounding sustainability and the environment (i.e. Green Team membership, Eagle Scout project involving building a garden, supporting school’s recycling and composting efforts, environmental courses, camps, etc.)

This scholarship is for high school seniors graduating in 2019. If you know a student who this would be a good fit for this award, please feel free to share this link (https://cedar-grove.com/about-us/seeds-for-scholars) where more information can be found, as well as the online application.

Applications are due at 5 p.m. on Friday, May 31, 2019.