Member Spotlight of the Month: RDO Manufacturing, Silver Member, Kelso, WA


RD Olson equipment in action


This month's member spotlight features RDO Manufacturing, a Silver member based in Kelso, Wash. USCC spoke with Matt Gurney, director of sales, about their business.

USCC: Tell us about the mission of your company in the compost industry (if you have multiple markets).

Matt Gurney, RD Olson: We have been in the compost industry a lot longer than most people realize. I became involved in the compost market back in the mid-1990s while working for a manufacturer that was one of the first to introduce star screeners to overcome issues of screens plants blinding from the moisture in compost. My role at the company was as the national service manager, and it put me in touch with a lot of the early composters. Being from the service side of the business helped me listen and evaluate the needs of the customer as it pertained to the mission they had to produce good compost. I had the opportunity to watch not only our equipment run but also that of all the other manufacturers on various sites across the country. One of the machines I was able to witness was the CEC SCREEN-IT, and I was impressed with the simplicity of the machine. A few years later, I went to work for Agromin/California Wood Recyclers as the general manager and became responsible for making compost. As such, I tried and bought multiple pieces of equipment, I purchased three SCREEN-ITs that I would later learn were built for CEC by RD OSLON Manufacturing.

I left Agromin and went to work for CEC because I thought, and still do, it was the best portable screen on the market. Along the way, things changed at CEC, and now they are closed, I work for RD OLSON, and we still build the same screen. When it comes to compost, I understand the business, and I want our customers to be successful because I think composting is the right thing to do. 

Our mission is to provide composters a machine that will do the job they need done that is reliable and at reasonable cost [as well as] provide them a partner that understands their business and their need to make a profit.

USCC: What are challenges to being successful in the compost industry, and are there special challenges, or rewards, in working with compost manufacturers? Are there ways that being involved in USCC is helping you meet those challenges?

Matt: It’s challenging because some providers are more interested in a sale than the customer’s best interest. RD OLSON prides itself on being a solutions-based provider to the customer. We want the customer to know we are here and will be here when they need us. We as a company take pride in the fact that through our customers, we are making the world a more sustainable place. Being involved with the USCC has always put us into contact with the organics customer. I have been doing the USCC annual show for many years and it gives me the opportunity to reconnect with customers that may not have crossed my path during the year. It also gives me the right forum to meet the new customers.

USCC: What are some of the features that USCC offers that you find most useful?

Matt: The go-to event for us has definitely become the annual Demo Day. We are happy to participate in an event that allows us to present our equipment in an arena where the customers can watch the machine. It is a fair opportunity to let the equipment speak for itself. We are always happy to show that our words are backed up by our performance.

USCC: If you could sit down with another member to discuss any issue, what would it be and why?

Matt: I would choose the one with the need for a solution to a challenge they are having. For 24 years, I have been part of the compost industry, and I have garnered experience from a large group of other members and composters. The satisfaction in my day is sharing that education. On the days I can answer or help provide the customer a solution, I have had a great day. And if I cannot provide their solution, I take equal satisfaction in introducing them to someone else that may have their solution.

USCC: What do you think is a key challenge to the successful future of the compost industry in the U.S.?

Matt: The challenge that I see is negative press. There are entities that publish information that compost is not beneficial. Of course, the money paying for this press is provided by those trying to push a different agenda. Fortunately, we do have large efforts in the public sphere providing counter-information and putting programs in place to educate the public.

And I can rest easy every day knowing USCC is out there telling the good story.

USCC: Introduce your fellow members to your team!

Matt: RD OLSON is a team of people working to build the best equipment we can provide for the composting market.  From the office staff, to the paint shop, to welders, parts department, engineering, sales and managers - every member of the team plays a major role in our success and that of our customers. 

The important thing to me on this team is that Roger Olson, the founder of this company, believes in integrity and taking care of the customer and his employees. Roger is proud to provide jobs here in Kelso that employ hard-working neighbors, and a large portion of our workforce has been with the company since they were kids just out of school. We have a large portion of the team that has been here 10, 15, 20 and 25 years and have grown with the company.