Corporate Compost Leadership Council Launched

Companies leading the U.S. in seeking successful composting of their products, packaging and food scraps are invited to become a part of the US Composting Council’s new Corporate Compost Leadership Council, a body that will engage, support and help move forward a suite of tools and strategies to grow composting capacity in the U.S.

“Composting and compost use can make a significant impact in growing our circular economy while also mitigating both climate change and improving our soils,” said Frank Franciosi, executive director of USCC. “These companies are taking the lead by agreeing to take a place at the table in making more composting happen.”

USCC outlined the initiative at the first meeting of the CCLC in Charleston, SC on January 29 at USCC’s annual conference. Attendees who are already USCC members are helping to guide the new group and include: Eco-Products, Elevate Packaging, Natureworks, Missouri Organic and Club Coffee. A number of other brand companies and events venues who have sought resources from USCC in increasing their involvement in composting and compostable packaging.

The companies attending the launch will hear about, comment on and be asked to support USCC strategies planned for expanding the use of composting to divert organics through its Target Organics Program. The Target Organics Program includes tools such as: assistance to state and local governments in permitting, zoning and planning; template labelling laws and increased ways to differentiate compostable products from others in the composting stream; and an industry economic study of the composting industry.

Companies interested in participating in the Corporate Compost Leadership Council should contact Frank Franciosi, Executive Director, or Linda Norris-Waldt, communications director, for information.