USCC’s team has worked hard to bring you current recommendations and information about how the compost industry is coping with the pandemic. We have communicated comments from the experts on compost biology and pathogens, site management, and health and safety, along with the experiences of the collection community. In most areas we are seeing a slowdown in food scrap generation and some municipal yard waste facilities have limited their collection. We have also surveyed the industry to get a bigger picture of impacts so we can target our recommendations and information at the fast-changing, real-time effects of the emergency.

We hope you will review the information and use it to help guide your decisions, and share them with us through the Member Portal and Compost Facility Discussion Group, which you can find by logging in to your member account and going to QUICKLINKS in the green menu bar.

Our members are constantly in our thoughts as they work hard to fulfill their responsibilities in this crisis, and we wish you and your loved ones, as well as all Americans, a healthy and safe future.

– Frank Franciosi