New! Product Names on STA Participant List

The STA Participant list on the USCC website, the key for end use specifiers and STA labs looking for compost manufacturers producing STA Certified compost, has been revised and updated to show only those participants who meet all the requirements of the Seal of Testing Assurance program. The upgraded list publicizes, which products meet the expectations of the STA and Compost Consumer Use programs, not just which facilities carry STA products. 

This is part of the USCC’s mission to educate compost use specifiers so that we can increase the numbers of people and organizations nationwide who will only purchase compost from manufacturers on our STA participant list. This upgrade of the list makes it easier for both STA labs and end use specifiers to only work with products in our program. If you would like to grow what you offer on our website, and have additional products or facilities you would like to register with, simply include them on your renewal form.