Support ICAW and Your Garden – Get GardenSoxx®

The Composting Council Research and Education Foundation (CCREF) is working with GardenSoxx® to promote a product that will help you with your garden, no matter where it is, and help CCREF’s program, International Compost Awareness Week, as well.

You can purchase GardenSoxx® through CCREF and receive a 10% discount – and in the process, GardenSoxx® will make a donation to ICAW.

GardenSoxx® is an organic landscape and gardening system, which uses high-quality compost held inside a mesh tube to provide better growing conditions for plants. It is a simple and versatile gardening container that can be used virtually anywhere.   Make sure you use this link to order your GardenSoxx® so that you can receive your discount and CCREF can receive a donation to support ICAW. 

Click here for more information!