May Advocacy Alerts

The USCC Legislative and Environmental Affairs Committee is working on two USCC advocacy initiatives as a result of the May meeting:

1. CA AB 1335-Regulations

USCC is coordinating with Association of Compost Producers, (USCC California Chapter), California Compost Coalition and Biodegradable Products Institute to request more feasible regulations for state agencies purchasing compostable materials.

AB 1335 requires state agencies to procure reusable, recyclable, or compostable food service ware; state regulations have been issued that require only those materials that can be composted at 75% of statewide compost facilities – even though a majority of state facilities do not accept food scrap yet, making it impossible to reach 75%. Instead, LEAC is investigating the feasibility of changing the regulation to require that agencies that purchase compostables demonstrate that they there is a contract for acceptance of the material with a composter.

2. New York Community Composting Funding

Due to the pandemic, New York City has cancelled funding for all of its composting programs until 2021, including the $45 million dropoff program that is run by longstanding community composting organizations. USCC will support a petition drive asking for support for the programs.







