Earning PDHs Gets Easier!

One small silver lining to the pandemic is it is much easier to earn Professional Development Hours (PDHs) from home or work.  Since all conferences are now online instead of in-person, the costs of travel and lodging is gone. You can find forms for tracking credits from online webinars, conferences and courses here.

In addition, the USCC Certification Commission made two significant changes to the Professional Development requirements for maintaining your professional credential:

1. Expanded the program to include Professional Activities in addition to Continuing Education. From the updated Handbook:

You can find the forms for tracking and reporting these activities here.

2. You can now roll over PDHs when you renew your certification. If you are renewing with more than the required 30 PDHs, up to 10 PDHs can be rolled over into your next 3 year cycle.

Not certified yet? NOW IS THE TIME! Start your certification journey at www.certificationsUSCC.org. We are here to help!