One of the top priorities of the 2019-22 Strategic Plan is to define, identify, focus and strategize the future USCC Advocacy Plan. The USCC Advocacy Definition Survey, which had a return of 19% of USCC member entities, indicates a preference by members for focusing on state regulators and legislators with proactive legislation such as organics bans and requirements for compost use. The survey showed a high willingness and capability of members for grassroots advocacy.
Thank you to everyone who participated.
The survey results can be found here.
Following up on the survey results, a member Task Force will be making recommendations on USCC strategies and a focus group will be organized in order to gain further insights. Members of the focus group are Ryan Cooper (Rubicon), representing Membership Committee; Natasha Duarte (Composting Association of Vermont), representing LEAC; and Dan Matsch (EcoCycle), representing Chapters.
If you answered the survey by name, you may be contacted about the Focus Group.