In a short period of time, due to the scheduled COTC in NJ having to be cancelled because of COVID-19, Cary Oshins and Bob Rynk were able to develop a two-day training, Compost Manufacturing: Principles and Practices. Topics covered during the training included: benefits of composting and compost use, compost qualities, uses and markets, basic principles of composting, composting methods, processing operations and equipment, facility siting and design, managing contamination, regulations, and environmental protection and more. The training was held September 15 & 16 in Elizabeth, New Jersey (and was also offered via live-stream) and included an optional third day of touring three local facilities. Based on the feedback, this new training was a big success. Thank you to the New Jersey Composting Council for hosting this event and to the many members who jumped in to help pull together this event so quickly.