Welcome Gowri Sundaram to the USCC Staff

The USCC would like to welcome Gowri Sundaram. Gowri will be picking up where Megan Hester is leaving off in December. With a background in laboratory testing for the STA program, a member of the Young Professionals group, and a long-time USCC member Gowri will be able to hit the ground running.

Gowri Somasundaram has a master’s degree in biotechnology with expertise in compost microbiology. She is the current Resiliency Coordinator in Fort Wayne for Earth Charter Indiana. She is a climate change advocate, a strong believer of soil being the carbon sequestration agent. She did  quality and safety testing on compost samples of STA participants and other compost producers before joining the US Compost Council.

She started with USCC as a Young Professional, served on different committees, and currently chairs the Mentoring Committee. Gowri had taught a Compost Operator Training Course COTC session on the quality of the finished product. In her spare time, she does outreach to schools and community about composting. She has her own kitchen scrap backyard composter. She is volunteer coordinator for Mayor Youth Engagement Council. She also volunteers with Food Rescue US, diverting food waste going to landfill. In addition, she is a Divisional Head Judge for First LEGO League Robotics.