Paul Hawken Announced as COMPOST2021 Keynote Speaker

Paul Hawken, New York Times bestselling author and founder of Project Drawdown, will be the USCC's keynote speaker for VIRTUAL COMPOST2021 – Sharing Local Solutions Globally. Thanks to Kellogg Garden Products for sponsoring this event.

Kathy Kellogg Johnson will host this closing plenary interview and live Q&A session, which will be the public's opportunity to hear Paul discuss his work and its relation to the compost industry.

Paul Hawken is an environmentalist, entrepreneur, author and activist who has dedicated his life to environmental sustainability and changing the relationship between business and the environment. He is one of the environmental movement’s leading voices, and a pioneering architect of corporate reform with respect to ecological practices. His work includes founding successful, ecologically conscious businesses, writing about the impacts of commerce on living systems, and consulting with heads of state and CEOs on economic development, industrial ecology, and environmental policy. Paul is currently writing a new book entitled "Regeneration: Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation," a follow up to his previous book "Drawdown."

Paul has appeared in numerous media including the Today Show, Bill Maher, Larry King, Talk of the Nation, Charlie Rose, and has been profiled or featured in hundreds of articles including the Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Washington Post, Business Week, Esquire, and US News and World Report. His writings have appeared in the Harvard Business Review, Resurgence, New Statesman, Inc, Boston Globe, Christian Science Monitor, Mother Jones, Orion, Libération, and other publications.

Thank you to WeCare Denali for sponsoring the Closing Plenary session. The Closing Plenary session will include the keynote, announcement of the Emerging Composter Competition winner and a Virtual Happy Hour.

VIRTUAL COMPOST2021 – Sharing Local Solutions Globally is the USCC's 29th Annual Conference, where compost manufacturers, affiliates, equipment manufacturers, consultants, allies, and partners in the industry gather for a virtual tradeshow and conference bringing 37 speakers over three targeted tracks.

Registration is open; for more information see