It's Time for COMPOST2021!

The USCC is so excited to be able to connect with our membership in this year of COVID quarantine at our annual conference. It has been almost a year since we all got together in Charleston, and we are glad that we had that time together before everything went into quarantine. Thankfully, the USCC Board decided we could still stay engaged, and safe at the same time, by holding a virtual conference experience. For the last five months, the entire organization has been working to adapt a multi-day family reunion into a two-day virtual experience.

We can say, with pleasure, that we have a great experience planned for you! Our virtual platform allows for meaningful interactions while organizing dozens of networking opportunities into a single space. With 35 speakers, including Paul Hawken, author of Drawdown, movie director Rob Herring, an opening plenary featuring an international panel with compost industry leaders from six major countries, and a lineup of top professionals from across the industry, VIRTUAL COMPOST2021 will have the brain power to facilitate a fruitful educational and networking experience. The conference starts in just one week. The entire council is enthusiastic facilitate the connection of more than 20 sponsors and 30 exhibitors with the more than 500 registered attendees.

And, the USCC is already planning ahead for COMPOST2022. We will bring back our in-person experience from January 24-27, 2022 in Austin, Texas. This will be our 30th annual conference, and we will be going ALL OUT!