COVID-19 Spurs New Training Course

Nearly a year ago spread of the novel coronavirus shuttered the Compost Operations Training Course (COTC) for all of 2020. However, the industry’s need for training doesn’t stop. To meet the continuing demand, the Foundation created a new three-day course, the Compost Manufacturing: Principles & Practices (CM:PP). The course pilot, taught with the assistance of the New Jersey Composting Council last fall, was offered as a hybrid of socially distanced, in-person instructions while also being livestreamed to other students. 

The new course still provides a solid foundation of the compost production process, but group oriented, hands-on activities have been removed to ensure student safety. Those seeking to obtain their USCC Certified Compost Operations Manager (CCOM) or start their Certified Composting Professional (CCP) certification should opt into the self-driven facilities’ tour on the third day. 

For anyone interested in refreshing or expanding their compost knowledge, the Foundation and the Colorado Composting Council have partnered to offer the CM:PP in March 16-18, 2021. The two day lectures will be livestream only with a self-driven tour of facilities in North East Colorado scheduled for day three.

For California composters, a CM:PP is being planned for late March with the Association of Compost Producers that focuses on issues and regulations specific to the state. For more information on either training opportunity, visit