CCP Spotlight: Greg McCarron

Greg McCarron, PE, BS - Environmental Engineering: Greg has 35 years of experience in all aspects of solid waste management, including composting and solid waste management plans. He is SCS’ national expert for organics management projects. We design, permit, construct, and operate compost and anaerobic digestion systems and facilities for public and private clients. His experience includes operations, project management, design, permitting, regulatory support, construction oversight, system start-up, economic analysis, and technology assessment. Outside of work, Greg is the Compost Team Leader for a community garden in Bergen County, New Jersey. The garden produces about 1500 pounds of produce annually, which is 100% donated to soup kitchens in Newark and New York City. He is also manages a backyard compost system for use in his own garden.

"Why I pursued certification?”

I wanted to be recognized for the training and education that I have completed through the leading industry associations, the USCC and CREF. Often, public and private entities require certification or qualifications that prove my expertise, prior to engagement on their projects. The training is also helpful as I train other community composters.