Zoning Template Being Revised for Second Comments; Best Practices Brief Released

USCC’s Zoning Task Force has been working to integrate comments and suggestions from stakeholders to the Model Zoning Template being developed for 2021 Release. More than 15 robust comments asking for changes to the three focus areas - large composting, small composting and on-farm composting - were submitted, along with requests for zoning language addressing "consolidation” areas (areas where collectors of organic waste aggregate collection for transport to compost facilities).

A second round of stakeholder comments will take place in spring.

Meanwhile, the Sustainable Development Code team has published a Composting Brief in conjunction with the USCC that gives municipalities, advocates and others an overview of the ways that composting is often placed in government codes, from zoning to state permitting and other applications. It is intended as a high-level view to help municipalities begin thinking about how to add zoning for composting to their local zoning codes. The USCC Model Zoning Template will be added to the document when it is complete.

Members are getting the first look at the new Brief with this announcement. Read the full Sustainable Development Code Composting Brief.