Trainings, Restarting the COTCs and a Webinar All Underway

The CREF is busy putting together a full schedule of trainings and other educational opportunities starting in late spring and throughout the fall.

In June, there will be a two-day Compost Manufacturing: Principles & Practices training held in California, which will include an optional third day of site tours, offered in both Northern and Southern California. Also in June, CREF will host a research webinar on carbon sequestration. Based on the idea that conditions improve, COVID-wise, the Compost Operations Training Course (COTC) program will resume in August with three trainings scheduled in different parts of the country in 2021. As it gets closer, the full schedule of COTCs in 2021 and leading into early 2022 will be announced.

Wayne Howard is the program manager for all the trainings. If you have any questions about upcoming trainings this year, he can be reached at or there is always updated information on the Foundation’s website: