STA Gets a Technology Upgrade

The USCC has recognized that good technology is key to good experiences. Over the years staff have worked hard to find great tools, trying out several different databases. We discovered what the industry needs is not available ready-made, and the existing tools do not allow modifications. Thank you all for your feedback and patience as we experimented on improvements. So, six months ago we selected an all-star experienced computer programmer and began building a database for the STA Program - from scratch! This new database we’re calling the Gateway. It is the gateway to ease-of-use and increased marketing capabilities. This new technology will make signing the renewal contract and working with labs easier, as well as provide increased marketing opportunities.

Phase I - Contract - This phase will provide for renewals and new applications. Renewing participants will register in the Gateway using the same email as you currently use for USCC membership. All of the information you’ve been putting into your STA will be present upon logging in - no more starting from scratch to renew! You will simply click each piece of information to verify it is correct, then sign the contract. The authorized contact person at your company will also be able to indicate which back-up staff should have editing and communication privileges for when they are sick or on vacation. New applicants registering will be asked to change their password upon logging in, and the Gateway and USCC membership databases will use the same password after that point. Phase I is planned for completion in July, so the renewal deadline will be extended until September 2021.

Phase II - Labs - This phase involves a new system to connect compost manufacturers to their lab data. We start making sampling easier right at the beginning. The Gateway will email you reminders for each test you need to pull, helping you maintain your contracted testing frequency. Then your STA products’ data will be auto-filled into chain of custody forms in the Gateway for you to quickly print to send with your sample. Once testing is complete, labs will directly import your STA test results into the Gateway. Then compost manufacturers will log in and print off STA-branded CTDS from the Gateway - in whatever DOT-friendly format you need or simply the regular STA format. The Gateway will ensure only products in good standing with the STA program will get STA-branded CTDS, and every CTDS will only use the product name registered with the STA Program and published on our website. End-users will be able to ensure they know what’s in the compost they are purchasing because the product names will match. Compost manufacturers will be able log in to the Gateway to see a graph of their product’s data, tracking change over time and staying on top of your product’s quality. Note: For the Gateway to include test data from months/years prior to the Gateway initiation, you must each request this from your lab. Phase II is planned for completion in Fall 2021.

Phase III - Map - The map and list of STA participants is a key part of the STA program. With this phase, the map will become automated. The map will have fewer human errors and changes will show up more quickly, saving everyone money. Updates to contact info made by compost manufacturers logging into the Gateway will show up on the website instantly. Changes to the product listings due to completed registrations or products falling out of compliance will happen right away. We will incorporate features to help end-users find products, such as searching by distance from their location. Please contact Hilary Nichols with your suggestions for optimizing the searchable map. Together we will make this an excellent marketing tool. Phase III is planned for completion in Winter 2021/Spring 2022.

Phase IV - Features - We are creating this Gateway to increase ease-of-use and marketing capabilities for your STA products. The more we all work with this new database, the more features we will recognize as helpful to add. The STA Program is dedicated to continually modifying this piece of technology to help both compost manufacturers and staff. We want to give you the best experience possible. Please tell us about your experiences and suggestions by contacting Hilary Nichols at with your feedback for upgrades.